From the story of Yoummah...
Yoummah, mine, had already understood everything.
Over forty years ago, my Algerian mother took up healthy cooking because, like my father, she was diabetic. Constrained by her illness, she prepared varied, balanced, low-fat food, always keeping an eye on the glycemic index. Nevertheless, her cooking remained tasty and gourmet, thanks to the generous aromas of spices and herbs from her culinary culture.
To fill the fridge, on my father's salary as a factory worker, she bought directly from local farmers. We ate organic for economic reasons... what an irony in today's context!
Our home, open to all, encouraged my mother to be constantly creative in concocting dishes adapted to everyone's diets. Harmony of the good, the healthy, and love are the values she passed on to me. It's my turn to share them with you.