Yoummah x Vytal: reusable packaging for a zero-waste approach

Published on
Jun 30, 2023

When we launched Yoummah last summer, we were aware that the amount of disposable packaging used daily in our restaurant was totally incompatible with our desire for a sustainable approach. After many months of research, we're delighted to announce our partnership with Vytal, a company that will considerably reduce our environmental impact!

What is Vytal?

A German start-up specializing in reusable packaging. It helps to reduce the packaging waste associated with takeaway and delivery food and drink consumption. Thanks to a wide range of containers in polypropylene, glass or stainless steel, a network of partners across Europe, and a digital tracking solution, borrowing reusable packaging is simple and free for the consumer. With a 99% container return rate, Vytal is more efficient than a conventional deposit system.

How does Vytal work?

Step 1: Download the Vytal application onto your cell phone.

Step 2: Borrow a free Vytal container using a QR Code when you pick up your takeaway at Yoummah. 

Step 3: You return the cleaned Vytal containers within 14 days to Yoummah or a partner restaurant. 

Vytal makes the impact measurable, and you can track at any time how much disposable packaging you've already saved on your app.
Ready to embark on your zero-waste adventure with us?

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